• Love letter

    How to fall in love with our partner again?

    Love, love, love…. love is everything, is everywhere

    I love love, everything about it is the greatest and probably the hardest feeling in life.

    unfortunately, we often get lost in our love, in a relationship, we forgot ourselves or we get too self-centred that we neglect our partner, we stop prioritising our relationship, we stop seeing each other with the eyes of love, we forgot how beautiful is our relationship and how amazing our partner is, we forgot to remember why we choose each other, why we love each other, we got trap in our everyday life in our routine, until we choose to see the spark again, we all know and have lived those moments. I dare you to tell me one couple that you know, that truly ever loved each other without any troubles, arguments, complications, miscommunication, disenchantment… I do know not myself anyone, or so those people that believe that is not worth annoying themselves with those feelings have made the choice to stay single.


    What if we choose differently,

    What if, we choose to remember our love instead of our default 

    What if, we meet each other tonight forgetting all about what just happened in the last past weeks. 

    What if, we could restart where we were happy and fully in love

    What if, we decide to be happy and fully in love when we see each other tonight 

    What if, we choose to let our arguments a side and not give them any space to be 

    What if, we put our ego on the side from tonight to reignite our love flame

    What if, we choose to not forget how much how big we love each other

    What if, we choose to laugh again together 

    What if, we let go of being right or wrong and accept each other 

    What if, we choose love instead of anything else 

    What if, we always remember Love 

    You could choose to believe in us, in our love, to understand you are living a bit of a couple’s crisis but believe in your love, is stronger and magical. Give yourself the chance to fall in love again, starting with the way you look at each other. Choose to reignited the spark in our eyes, in the flame in our hearts.  

    Don’t let every day kills you and don’t let the expectation you have for your couple and your future ruins your present. Love is magical.  Let the magic happen

  • Classic mama Chia pudding

    Gluten-free vegan heaven

    Chia Seeds are a star ingredient! 

    Tiny but incredibly rich in nutrients, they are packed with protein, Omega-3, antioxidants and calcium 

    Chia pudding is an easy and quick process to make. It’s amazing, so simple, and delicious you can be as creative as you want, and it’s super good for ya!

    Here is a fun simple nutrient-dense recipe that you can make in minutes with just a few superfood ingredients!


    Classic mama chia pudding



    • 2 tbsp Chia seeds
    • 1/2cup Unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk
    • 1 or tbsps Maple syrup
    • ½ teaspoonVanilla extract


    • A hand full of granola
    • ½ mango
    • ½ fresh strawberries or blueberries
    • Coconut flakes, almonds, any nuts or seeds


    • Same ingredients but 2 methods that will give you 2 different textures

      Method 1 – the whole seed 

      • Pour the chia seeds into a jar or glass container and add the almond or coconut milk, vanilla and maple syrup, whisk together all ingredients
      • Cover the container with film wraps or a lid and place in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight to let gel
      • If the pudding is too firm and you’d like it thinner, just whisk in water a tablespoon at a time during any point of the process.
      • Top with anything you like, granola, coconut flax, mango, any fresh fruits, pecans 

      Tips: Stir once let it sit for a couple of minutes and stir again before placing it in the refrigerator and Make it at night and it will be ready in the morning 

      Method 2– the smooth blended  

      • Place the almond milk or coconut milk, vanilla, chia seeds and maple syrup in a blender and blend on high for 1-2 minutes until completely smooth.
      • Pour the mixture in a jar or glass container 
      • Cover the container with film wraps or a lid and place in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight to let gel
      • Top with anything you like, granola, coconut flax, mango, any fresh fruits, pecans 

      Tips: Make it at night and it will be ready in the morning 

  • Healthy Banana bread

    Gluten-free vegan heaven

    I have tested this recipe with my French family, they love buttery and sugary French desserts but this one was a banger. Well I only introduced it as a healthy banana bread without much words and my mum did another classic recipe of a lava chocolate cake , well the banana bread won by far. 

    I truly recommend you to taste it


    Healthy Banana bread recipe


    • 3 large ripe mashed bananas 
    • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil 
    • Cup packed coconut sugar or brown sugar 
    • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
    • 2 tablespoons dairy free milk 
    • 1 tsp white or apple cider vinegar 
    • 1 1/3 cup of all-purpose gluten free flour or oat flour 
    • Teaspoon baking soda 
    • Teaspoon baking powder
    • Teaspoon salt 
    • Optional; ¾ cup chocolate chips 


    • Preheat oven to 180 degrees C and grease the bread pan with some coconut oil 
    • Mix dairy free milk + vinegar to make buttermilk and set aside for 5 to 10min. In a large bowl mix together the mashed banana, sugar, oil, vanilla and add buttermilk mixture – mix all together 
    • In separate bowl – whisk all the dry Ingredients and mix gently all the ingredients 
    • {don’t mix too much to keep it fluffy]
    • Add chocolate chips 
    • Add the batter in the prepared pan. Sprinkle with remaining chocolat chips. Bake for 40-50 minutes or until a tooth pick comes out with just few crumbs 
    • Allow bread to cool in the pan for 5 min, remove and enjoy.


    Healthy Banana bread recipe


    • 3 large ripe mashed bananas 
    • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil 
    • Cup packed coconut sugar or brown sugar 
    • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
    • 2 tablespoons dairy free milk 
    • 1 tsp white or apple cider vinegar 
    • 1 1/3 cup of all-purpose gluten free flour or oat flour 
    • Teaspoon baking soda 
    • Teaspoon baking powder
    • Teaspoon salt 
    • Optional; ¾ cup chocolate chips 


    Preheat oven to 180 degrees C and grease the bread pan with some coconut oil 

    Mix dairy free milk + vinegar to make buttermilk and set aside for 5 to 10min. In a large bowl mix together the mashed banana, sugar, oil, vanilla and add buttermilk mixture – mix all together 

    In separate bowl – whisk all the dry Ingredients and mix gently all the ingredients 

    {don’t mix too much to keep it fluffy]

    Add chocolate chips 

    Add the batter in the prepared pan. Sprinkle with remaining chocolat chips. Bake for 40-50 minutes or until a tooth pick comes out with just few crumbs 

    Allow bread to cool in the pan for 5 min, remove and enjoy.